造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Surgeons have performed the first transplant operation using an organ wholly grown in a laboratory to give a man a new windpipe.(本次手术实施了第一例使用实验室培育器官的移植手术,为患者植入了一根全新的气管。)

2、Within two days, the stem cells had grown to create a complete replacement windpipe.(在两天内干细胞就长成了一个完整的替代气管。)

3、In some cases, such as when the swollen epiglottis blocks the windpipe, a tracheostomy may be performed.(在某些情况下,例如当会厌肿胀,阻塞气管,气管切开术可能会被执行。)

4、So much for the properties of the oesophagus, the windpipe , and the stomach.(对食道、气管和胃的特性介绍就这样多。)

5、It enters the windpipe and moves through the lungs toward the tail, then back out the nostrils through the windpipe.(气体从气管进入通过肺部到达尾部,然后又通过气管从鼻孔排出。)

6、the windpipe is situated in front of the oesophagus in all animals that have a windpipe , and all animals have one that are.(气管位于所有有气管的动物的食管前面,而且所有动物都有一条和肺连接的气管。)

7、I am going to die, ruining my own party” — the chicken popped out of my windpipe, leaving me with nothing but a slightly sore throat.(我快要死了,毁掉我自己的派对……”——鸡肉蹦出了我的喉咙,只剩下轻微的喉咙疼痛。)

8、Allow the air to glide down your windpipe as if its filling your abdomen.(让空气滑入气管,慢慢充满腹部。)

9、Every time you inhale, oxygen passes from your windpipe to your lungs and on into your bloodstream.(每次呼吸时,氧气通过气管传到肺部,然后进入血液。)

10、He thought he had lung cancer, but X-rays revealed that it was a plant sprouting inside his windpipe.(75岁的斯维登本以为自己患上肺癌,而X光检查结果却显示,他的症结并非癌症而是气管里长出的一颗豌豆芽。)

11、"Then why," Antonia said, "is my windpipe practically broken and me lying on the floor?"(“那么为什么,”安东尼娅说,“我的气管都坏了,我躺在地上呢?”)

12、Obese people often suffer from the problem because excessive fat tissue can thicken and narrow the wall of the windpipe.(肥胖人群常会患此病症,因为身体组织脂肪过多会使气管变厚,从而使它变窄。)

13、Likewise, airway and windpipe linings have surface cells and glands that produce mucus and other fluids.(同样,呼吸道及气管有衬里的表面细胞及腺体产生的粘液和其它液体。)

14、The measure was intended to combat a condition known as “goiter” — a swelling of the thyroid, a gland that sits just in front of the windpipe.(那时美国和瑞士已经开始在食盐中加入碘,以抵抗“甲状腺肿大”,甲状腺是气管前面的腺体。)

15、The organ is a windpipe (trachea) which is coated in stem cells from the patient.(这个器官是包覆著病患干细胞的气管。)

16、She gasps as if shes been punched in the windpipe.(她倒抽一口气,仿佛气管挨了揍。)

17、They took a donor windpipe and washed it with a chemical solution to remove all the original cells.(他拿出一个捐赠气管接着用化学方法洗净用以去除所有的原始细胞。)

18、I have a good windpipe in my chest, and I have four wings that are placed outside my head, just beneath my hat.(我的怀里有一块很好的磨石;我有四个翅膀——它们生在我的头上,恰恰在我的帽子底下。)

19、As you faint, the doctor said, as your neck goes limp and your head flops, your windpipe becomes blocked and you cant breath.(医生说,当你昏厥时,颈部松弛脑袋一偏,会阻塞气管让你无法呼吸。)

20、Normally, a blocked windpipe cuts off the bloods supply of oxygen, leading to brain damage and death.(正常情况下,血管如果阻塞了,就会切断氧气供应,导致大脑损伤坏死。)

21、This means inflammation of the part of the windpipe above the voice box.(这意味着炎症的一部分的气管以上的声音,方块。)

22、The other is the first step on the path to a particular sort of tissue such as the lining of a windpipe.(这一细胞在进化中首先会形成一个特殊的像气管内层一样薄膜组织。)

23、Cut through the windpipe, the jugular, the epiglottis, the hyoid, the tongue.(她的气管,她的颈静脉她的会厌,她的舌骨,她的舌头。)

24、Scientists created a Y-shaped framework for the new trachea, modeling it after the specific shape of the patients windpipe.(科学家们为培育新气管制造了一个Y形框架,并把它塑造成了患者自身气管所特有的形状。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


