
  1、Torture 难熬

  2、Cage 牢笼


  3、GUI late 归晚人

  4、Former 以前

  5、Replace 取代

  6、Old play book 旧戏书

  7、Take the wrong 错牵

  8、Lonely end 孤独结尾

  9、And wine 且煮酒

  10、The traveler 过客

  11、Like to cry 喜哭

  12、Sacrifice 祭奠

  13、Love the dark 爱黑暗

  14、Heart bitter 心事苦

  15、Acalculia 失算

  16、Dream Wake 梦醒

  17、Don't hold 勿拥

  18、Self crossing 自我泅渡


1、你离开以后,我很自由,也很落寞。After you leave, I am very free, but also very lonely.

2、你是我最不想见到的人,却是我天天想念的人。You are the last person I want to see, but you are the one I miss every day.

3、我一生健忘,唯有你,难忘。My life forgetful, only you, unforgettable.

4、最大的悲哀莫过于长大,从此,笑不再纯碎,哭不再彻底。The biggest sadness is growing up, from now on, laugh no longer pure broken, cry no longer completely.

1. 英语手抄报内容可以包含伤感元素。
2. 伤感元素可以通过表达人物的遭遇、情感经历或者描述世界的残酷和不公来表现。
3. 除了伤感元素,英语手抄报的内容还可以包含积极向上、激励人心的内容,例如人生哲理、成功名言等。


1. "In the pages of these books, I found solace for my wounded soul, as words became the bandages that healed my broken heart."

2. "Each word on these pages carries the weight of my tears, as I immerse myself in the melancholic beauty of these sorrowful tales."

3. "Through the ink-stained pages, I discovered the bittersweet symphony of life, where heartache and longing intertwine with the fragile threads of hope."

4. "These books are a refuge for my weary spirit, where the characters' pain echoes my own, and their stories become a mirror to my own shattered dreams."

ins英文网名伤感 英语生活中的伤痛句子