defeat win beat区别?

  Ⅰ. beat “打赢”“战胜”。用于比赛时,后接宾语是战胜对手,表示“赢了某人”。如:

defeat win beat区别,击败爱情的英语句子

  ① Li Lei beat all the runners in the 100-metre race. 李磊在百米赛跑中赢了所有的对手。

  ② We are sure to beat them.我们肯定会赢他们。

  Ⅱ. win “赢得;获胜”, 用作及物动词,后接宾语是表示某种比赛的名词或战争,而不是参加比赛的对手。如:

  ① We won the basketball game. 我们赢得了篮球赛。

  ② Who won the race? 谁赢得了赛跑?

  Ⅲ. defeat “战胜;赢得”与win 一样,较正式,后接宾语时与beat一样,是表示人或代表群体的名词或代词,间或接表事物的名词或代词。 如:

  Our class defeated / beat theirs in the basket-ball match yesterday. 昨天我们班在篮球赛中赢了他们班。


I was tossing and turning all night.


2. cut and thrust 唇枪舌剑,激烈争论

She enjoys the cut and thrust of party politics.


3. born and bred 土生土长的

He's a Parisian born and bred.


4. wait and see 等等看;等着瞧

No decision will be made until next year, so you'll just have to wait and see.


5. wear and tear (一定时期内的)磨损,损耗

Seat covers on trains take a lot of wear and tear.


6. meet-and-greet 见面会(知名人物与群众对话的活动)

The President took a short meet-and-greet walk to the restaurant.


7. bread and butter 谋生的职业;谋生之道

Gardening is my bread and butter at the moment.

defeat win beat区别 击败爱情的英语句子