
Dear:Mom(亲爱的妈妈)Today is your birthday.(今天是你的生日)I hope you happy healthy,always。(我希望您永远开心,健康)I love you。(我爱你)


It was her mother's birthday yesterday. She has been planning for this day for weeks. She woke up early in the morning and quietly prepared breakfast for her mother.


 She made her mother's favorite food, bacon and eggs, and brewed a cup of hot coffee.
After breakfast,

 she gave her mother a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a handmade card. 

Her mother was very happy and touched by the thoughtful gifts. 

They spent the morning together, talking, laughing, and reminiscing about old memories.

In the afternoon, they went out for lunch and shopping. Her mother bought a new dress for the evening celebration. 


My mother's birthday is in June 3 .We are going to have a birthday party for her .

.My father is going to buy a big cake with fruit and beautiful clothes for my mother .My grandparents also buy a birthday present for my mother . I am going to make a birthdaycardfor her and I will write " Happy birthday to you !" on it .My mother will have a happy birthday我的妈妈的生日在六月三日,我们打算为她举行一个生日聚会。



急~~~我妈生日 想用英语写一封信祝我妈生日快乐~字数多一点_妈妈过生日的英文作文以第三人称口吻