
1、Do what you like best.喜欢的事情,要做到极致。

2、We must have our own dreams and goals, and then we must keep moving towards them. 一定要有自己的梦想和目标,然后要朝着这个梦想和目标不断地前行。

3、There is no shortcut to success. If there is, the name of this road is persistence. 成功这条路没有捷径,如果有,这条路的名字就叫做坚持。


4、There is no shortcut to any place worth going. The most important thing to grow up is to grow up alone.任何值得去的地方,都没有捷径,成长最重要的是独自长大。

5、Sometimes, the hardest decision we make will eventually become the most beautiful thing we have ever done.有时候,我们作出的最艰难的决定,最终会成为我们做过的最漂亮的事。

6、Not every effort can get harvest, but these are not enough to shake our pursuit of dreams. 不是每次努力都能获得收获,可这些,并不足以撼动我们对梦想的追求。


王俊凯是中国著名偶像组合TFBOYS的成员之一,也是一位备受关注的年轻艺人。他的粉丝们在应援时喜欢用各种口号来表达对他的支持和爱。其中英语版的应援口号也是非常流行的。一个著名的英文口号是“JunKai is my sunshine, my only sunshine, he makes me happy when skies are gray.”



Mi is my idol in my life. He is Japanese and has an attractive voice. Many fans adnire him and are encouraged by his efforts. He is gifted in many aspects especially in his composition of songs. His attitude to life never stay negative and he is trying his to make our world better.


blackPink Ink Korea Entertainment Co. Ltd.A girl group from the Korean entertainment company YG.Their style of music tends to be European and American.They are a group of four women.One of the members is Thai.

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