
香蕉是我的最爱,它们有益健康Bananas are my favorite. They are good for health.香蕉是我的最爱,它们有益健康Bananas are my favorite. They are good for health.


1. I enjoy eating a ripe banana for breakfast every morning.


2. My mom packed a banana in my lunchbox as a healthy snack.

3. The monkey in the zoo happily peeled and ate a banana.

4. I shared a banana with my friend during our picnic in the park.

5. The banana ++oothie I made was delicious and refreshing.

6. The banana split dessert at the ice cream shop was a treat.

7. I learned that bananas are a good source of potassium in my science class.

8. The banana tree in our backyard is growing lots of ripe fruits.

9. I used mashed bananas as an ingredient in my homemade banana bread.

10. The yellow color of the banana brightened up the fruit bowl on the table.