
1、This is the kind of serendipity you want!

2、This is Pavlov's famous dog and it's an example of scientific serendipity.

3、More than that, he is a role model: he excels in "managing serendipity".


4、The centre is still operating today and through sheer serendipity we booked into a guesthouse less than fifty metres away.

5、Britain's three favourite words are love, serendipity and family, according to a charity effort to build a "wall of words".

6、Then serendipity stepped in. One morning Dr Liggins discovered that a lamb he had infused with cortisol had been born overnight.

7、To protect the planned serendipity of each event, participants aren't told exactly what the mob is supposed to do until just before the event happens.




Sweet(亲爱的),It is love ,It is true love,I just (仅仅,只)want to be with you, eventhough I am a jacjaroo(新手) in love, but please trust me, I love you.译文:亲爱的,这是爱,这是真爱,我仅仅是想和你在一起,尽管我是一个新手在爱情里,但是请相信我,我是爱你的。希望能帮到你~


Love is a journey that can be both thrilling and terrifying. It takes us on a wild ride of emotions, from the highs of joy and passion to the lows of heartbreak and despair. But through it all, we come to realize that love is worth all the risks and challenges, for it is what gives our lives meaning and purpose. So let us hold on tight to the ones we love, and cherish every moment of this beautiful journey together.