
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770—1827).

German composer,was one of music's greatest geniuses.

His works have a rare originality,emotional depth,and expressive power.

He was known for his nine symphonies,piano concertos and sonatas,and string quartets.

Most of Beethoven's compositions were written in the classical forms established by his predecessors Mozart and Haydn,so he is sometimes considered the last great cornposer in the classical tradition.

But he also remoulded and expanded the old forms and infused them with a highly person.

Beethoven (1770-1827) was born in Bonn. He liked playing piano since childhood. He started learning in 1787 . He went to Vienna to study music from Haydn Mozart.

Beethoven lived in the French .Revolution the Napoleonic Wars and the era of Vienna the European democracy and the national consciousness is increasingly emerging at this time.

His worked is a reflection of the characteristics of these times, he sang the praises of heroes or against feudalism strive for freedom and and a better future.


Lastweekourschoolheldthe10thArtFestival.Itwasabigsuccess.Thestudentsshowedtheirtalentsinthefestival.MygoodfriendBillGreenplayedtheviolinbeautifully. Hewonthefirstprizeofacting.SoniaMillertoldafunnystory.Shemadeallthestudentslaugh.LiYuedancedwithoutmusic.Benandhisparrotwereveryfunny.TheysanganEnglishsongtogether.Itwasanexcitingfestival.
