1. 如何用英语描述猫
  2. 小猫爱吃鱼英语作文


That cute kitten has yellow fur and four white feet.那只可爱的小猫,长着一身黄色的绒毛,四只脚是白色的。

2.The cat's eyes are big, its

小猫爱吃鱼英语作文 - 宝贝英语

nose is flesh-colored, and it feels wet.小猫的眼睛大大的,鼻子呈肉色,摸上去湿漉漉的。

1、I am a cat, and I came from xxxxx.


2、Cat is a kind of animals with soft fur, snout, and retractile claws.


3、I also have beautiful and magic eyes. They can change themselves in daylight or night.


4、She is a cute cat. Her name is Kitty. She is 2 years old. She is white with black ears. I like playing with her. She likes chasing her tail.


5、cats are cut animals and cats is a kind of animals with soft fur ,snout, and retractile claws.It has pointy ears, pound eyes. Dou you know? fishes and mice are their favorite food. they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night.Besides we should love cats ,because they are our best friends.



The owner of the kitten is not at home, and the kitten feels very bored. He picks up the paper and pen and draws on the bench with his heart and soul. He draws a picture of his favorite fish.
