1. 英语礼仪用语有哪些类型
  2. 社交礼仪英文十条


1. 日常交流用语:包括问候语、道别语、礼貌用语等,如Good morning/afternoon/evening!、Thank you/Please、Excuse me等。
2. 商务交流用语:在职场中需要使用的礼仪用语,如Can I speak with...?、I'd like to request...、Please find the attached document...等。
3. 服务行业用语:适用于餐饮、旅游、酒店等服务业场景,如Would you like to see a menu?、Can I help you with your order?、Please enjoy your meal等。
4. 见面礼貌用语:包括介绍自己、介绍他人、交换名片等场景所需的用语,如It's a pleasure to meet you.、My name is..., and I work at...、I'd like to give you a business card等。
5. 感谢和赞美用语:如Thank you very much.、I appreciate your help.、I'm impressed by your skill and knowledge.等。
6. 道歉和谅解用语:如I'm sorry for my mistake.、I understand if you have a busy schedule.、I hope you can forgive me.等。
7. 求助和询问用语:如I'm looking for the nearest supermarket.、Can you tell me how to get to the train station?、Do you have any recommendations for good restaurants around here?等。

礼仪英语考试怎么考 - 宝贝英语



不礼貌的说法:I want to have a glass of the Pinot Noir.(我想要一杯黑皮诺)

礼貌的表达方式:Could I have a glass of the Pinot Noir,please?


不礼貌的说法:See you.(再见)

礼貌的表达方式:Bye bye.(店员用see you 太强势,最好用低调的Bye bye)

此外,客人说Thank you,不必回答You are welcome,这样太过正式,直接回答Cheers或No worries 即可。


不礼貌的说法:Sorry,I can’t. I have another appointment.(抱歉我不能去,我有别的安排)

礼貌的表达方式:That is a good idea! I would like to join in but I have another appointment today.


不礼貌的说法:Please give me the glass of beer.(请把那杯啤酒递给我)
