
我觉得可以在作文里用藏头诗。 我自己写一篇关于大学教育的作文举个例子吧。

  • For so many years, 多年以来,
  • University education is such as mess. 大学教育就是一团糟。
  • Can you imagine how many girls in college had abortion? 你知道有多少大学女生人工流产过吗?
  • Knowing this rate makes me rather sad, as it is so high. 知道了这个数据我很悲伤,这个比率太高了。
  • You and I, are members of this group. 你和我,都是这个群体的一员。
  • Obviously, we have to stop this trend. 很显然,我们需要阻止这种风潮。
  • Universities are for studying, not for squandering your youthful vigor. 大学是学习的地方,不是肆意浪费青春活力的地方。


小学英语阅卷人 - 宝贝英语
