乌鸦喝水简短英语故事,乌鸦英语 - 宝贝英语


A crow felt very thirsty. He looked for water everywhere. Finally, he found a pitcher.

But there was not a lot of water in the pitcher. His beak could not reach it. He tried again and again, but still could not touch the water.

When he was about to give up, an idea came to him. He took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. Then he took another and dropped it in.

Gradually, the water rose, and the crow was able to drink the water.






There is some water in a bottle near a big rock.A bird is very thirsty. He comes to the bottle and stands next

to the bottle.But he can't drink the

water,beacause the bottleneck is

very long and narrow. So he thinks and thinks,and then flies away. After

some time,he comes back with a

small stone in his beak.He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle. He flies away and flies back again and again.He puts many stones into the bottle.


乌鸦喝水简短英语故事 乌鸦英语