
不可以,因为mony是钱,但不一定是红包,但是“压岁钱”是在过年时长辈给晚辈的钱,作为节日礼物,可以可以用gift money来表示,“压岁钱”还可以表达为lucky money,“红包”可以翻译为:red envelope,“红包”还能用red packet和red pocket,不过red envelope用得更为广泛。

红包可以说成money吗,红包 英语 - 宝贝英语


春节到来时,同学们肯定想着红包多多到手来,见到长辈必然想到“恭喜发财,红包拿来”这句传统的过年问候语。那这句话英语怎么说你知道吗?  英语“恭喜发财,红包拿来”是这样说:  Wishyouafortune!Givemearedpacket!  要记住哟,过年必用的哦。  bonus(奖金红包),giftmoney(送礼红包)luckymoneyenvelope(装压岁钱的红包)  或者是redpackets(cashwrappedupinredpaper,symbolizefortuneandwealthinthecomingyear.)  你们看是什么时候用,如果是年底老板给的。就应该是bonus!


The Lucky Money in New Year

Now the year is coming, as a child, I love Spring Festival very much, because I can

get a lot of lucky money. In China, the children can get the lucky money from the

+++++s, then the kids say back some good wishes. I want to use my lucky money to buy

toys and firework, I want a toy car, I see it from the cartoon. I also want to play

firework with my friends.

到此,以上就是小编对于红包 英语的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于红包 英语的3点解答对大家有用。

红包可以说成money吗 红包 英语