冰雪奇缘英文介绍,冰雪奇缘英语怎么说 - 宝贝英语


wood /wud/ , n. 木材, 木制品. vt. 植林于, 给...添加木柴. vi. 收集木材

crazy /'kreizi/ a. 发狂的, 狂热的

memory /'memәri/ n. 记忆, 记忆力, 回忆, 纪念, 存储. n. 内存. [计] 存储器, 内存, 查看内存实用程序

dam /dæm/ n. 水坝, 障碍. v. 控制, 筑坝. [计] 直接存取法

upper /'ʌpә/ , a. 上面的, 较高的, 上级的, 上院的, 穿在外面的, 北部的, 地表的, 后期的. n. 鞋帮, 上齿

reindeer /'rein.diә/ , n. 驯鹿

fixer /'fiksә/ , n. 定色剂, 定影剂, 毒贩子. [化] 定影剂; 定香剂; 固色剂; 固着剂; 固定剂

snowman /'snәumæn/ , n. 雪人

expert /'ekspә:t/ n. 专家, 行家. a. 老练的, 内行的, 专门的. [计] 高级

actually /'æktʃuәli/ ,adv. 事实上, 竟然, 如今, 现在

monster n. 怪物, 恶人, 巨物. [医] 畸胎

hug /hʌg/ n. 紧抱, 拥抱. vt. 紧抱, 坚持, 使沾沾自喜

buddy /'bʌdi/ n. 好朋友, 伙伴


"Frozen" is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film tells the story of two sisters, Princess Elsa and Queen Anna, who are born with magical powers that allow them to control ice and snow.

Elsa's powers begin to manifest at age 18 months when she accidentally injures her mother, Queen Agnarr. As a result of her trauma, Elsa is afraid of hurting anyone and locks away her powers. However, when Elsa comes of age, she must decide whether to embrace her powers or keep them hidden from the world.

The film follows Elsa as she struggles with her powers and her place in the kingdom. Alongside her sister, Anna, Elsa faces challenges from their kingdom's new queen, Rapunzel, and an ancient mystery that threatens their kingdom's very existence.

