

Terracotta Army





1987年,秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,并被誉为“世界第八大奇迹” ,先后有200多位外国元首和政府首脑参观访问,成为中国古代辉煌文明的一张金字名片,被誉为世界十大古墓稀世珍宝之一。


我是这么认为的,对于用英语介绍兵马俑50词这个问题,我这样介绍:With a happy step, my father and I came to xi an and once again ascended the steps of history -- the terracotta warriors museum.

  More than once, such a pause, so that the land linger. Where there is history, there is a glory from the feet.

  On the northern foot of the lishan mountain, the vast plain of the weishui waterfront, the qinshihuang diling seal is towering and magnificent, majestic and magnificent. The famous Terra Cotta Warriors museum is located in the east of the tomb. 5 kilometers of dense, dense trees of the deep trees. It covers an area of 470000 square meters, a place with chic modelling, the library building of of primitive simplicity, strewn at random have send, scattered, tall trees, low shrubs, flowers, the beauty of the carpet lawn around the meantime, the environment elegant, is enormous, is currently Chinas largest museum of the project site.


兵马俑的英文名 兵马俑英语怎么说