
说 red tea 不符合英语习惯。英语可说 green tea, 译成汉语是“绿茶”,但相应的“红茶”却是 black tea 而不是 red tea。类似地,英语说black coffee 的意思不是“黑咖啡”,而是指“(不加牛奶或糖的)纯咖啡”。





Red tea, also known as black tea, is a popular variety of tea made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves undergo a process of oxidation, which gives them their distinct reddish-brown color and robust flavor. 

Red tea has a rich, full-bodied taste with notes of malt and a slightly sweet undertone. It is often enjoyed with or without milk and sugar, depending on personal preference. The caffeine content in red tea provides a gentle energy boost, making it a great choice for a morning pick-me-up or an afternoon refreshment.

With its bold flavor and enticing aroma, red tea is not only a delightful beverage but also offers numerous health benefits. It is believed to be high in antioxidants, which can help protect against cell damage and promote overall well-being. Red tea is also known for its potential cardiovascular benefits and may assist in maintaining a healthy heart.

