

“奶茶” 不是 milk tea 

bubble tea


bubble读作 /'bb()l/,是“汽泡”的意思。

奶茶里放的珍珠看起来像泡泡一样,所以老外就把“奶茶”叫做 bubble tea。

除了 bubble tea 之外,把“奶茶”叫做 boba tea也很常见,boba tea 也可以翻译成“波霸奶茶”。

I have bubble tea once a week.





After school, my friends go on the way home, suddenly, I ++ell the ++ell of the fragrance of tea, I bit my lip, subconsciously touched the pocket, I take money, I thought to buy milk tea, taste the delicious taste, but also afraid to criticize the mother scene, ++ell a delicious taste of tea, tea will not resist attraction to me no matter, or buy it!


My friends and I sat under a tree,drank our boba--a uniquely Asian drink,gossiped about our colleages and just had fun yesterday.

Aforthy combination of tea,milk and extras,boba has funs across Asia.It is increasingly common for people to arrange a boba gathering with their friends and loved ones.

Boba is seen as a social glue--underpinning the connections between people via boba meet-ups and sharing boba posts on social media.

milk tea originates from British colonial rule over Hong Kong. The British practice of afternoon tea, where black tea is served with milk and sugar, grew popular in Hong Kong. Milk tea is similar, except with evaporated or condensed milk instead of ordinary milk. It is called "milk tea" to distinguish it from "Chinese tea"which is served plain.
