
I wanna get a room for tonight.我想预订一个今晚的房间。

2、Do you have a reservation?您有预订吗?


3、Wait a second,let me see if I can fit you in.请稍等,我看看能不能帮您安排。

4、What kind of room do you want?您准备怎么样的房间呢?

5、I only need a single room. 我只需要一个单人间。

6、Smoking room or non-++oking room? 吸烟房以及无烟房?

7、You are in luck, we have one free. 您很幸运了,我们正好有一间房间空出来。

Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. 早上/下午/晚上好,先生/女士。

Good night. 晚安。

Have a good time! 祝您过得愉快!

Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel. 愿您在我们酒店过得愉快!

I’m sorry. 对不起,很抱歉。


Dear Sir,
I am a guest of your's. I am very happy here. I sing highly of your service. First of all, the hotel is so beautiful. It looks like a garden. I enjoy it. Then, foods are delicious and some of them are amazing. Most important reason is that the bed is so big and soft that I don't want to get up every morning. It's wonderful here. I can't believe it that I must leave. I want to live here again if I come to this city again.
Thank you. 
Sincerely yours
A guest

The role of the hotel are:

1. Tourists a base for touri++ activities

2. The creation of touri++ revenue

3. For the community to create employment opportunities for

4. The promotion of social consumption patterns and the development of and changes in consumption structure

5. Stimulate the development of

6. Hotel Development level is the level of touri++ development and socio-economic and civilization level of mark
