
Hello, my name is [Name]. I am a [Age]-year-old person from [City], China.


My best friend is [Friend's Name]. We have been friends for [Number of Years] years, and we have been through many adventures together. He/She is a [Kind of Person] person, and we share many interests such as [Interests].

One of the best things about our friendship is that we can talk about anything without fear of judgment or critici++. We understand each other's thoughts and feelings, and we always support each other in our endeavors.

In addition to our friendship, I am also passionate about [Passion], which has been a source of inspiration and motivation for me. I believe that through hard work and determination, I can achieve my goals and make a positive impact on the world.


You are welcome to visit Sichuan, where there are beautiful mountains and rivers, as well as various delicacies. The most important thing in the farm garden is that you can also watch the giant pandas protected by the state


My friend is a ++art girl named Wangyulu.我的朋友是一个叫王雨露的聪明的女孩 She wears glasses.她戴着一副眼镜 We always piay together.我们经常一起玩 She is not very tall.她个子不高 She is a polite boy.她是个讲礼貌的孩子 She likes ++all animals.她喜欢小动物 She likes swimming in summer.她喜欢在夏天游泳 She has lots of friends.她有很多朋友 She does well in study.她学习成绩很好 She can sing lots of songs.她能唱很多歌 She is good listener.她是一个很好的聆听着 答案准确,可以选择性取用,有疑问请追问 谢谢!
