

Learning to share is a process to learn how to lead a happy life.

  I am used to sharing my secrets and favourite things with my friends in order to let my heart free and make me thoroughly forget sadness.

  When I am happyI will share my ++ile with my friends which brightens up all the faces around me.

  I believe sharing will be a resource of happiness if I can insist on doing so.


题目:My Happiness观

导语:Happiness is a state of mind and emotion that everyone desires. In this essay, I will discuss my happiness view and how it has been shaped by my experiences and beliefs.


Happiness is a subjective concept that means different things to different people. For some, it might mean success in their careers, while for others, it may mean spending quality time with loved ones. My happiness view is shaped by a combination of factors, including my family, friends, and personal values.

First and foremost, family is the most important source of happiness in my life. Growing up in a loving and supportive family has taught me the value of relationships and the importance of mutual understanding and respect. Spending time with my family, sharing our experiences and creating memories together, brings me a sense of happiness and contentment.
