

do you know the man who is standing there?

yes.he is my teacher who teaches maths.

where is he from?

he is from england where is far from here.




1. Customer: Excuse me, where can I find the women's clothing section?

Salesperson: It's on the second floor, just take the escalator up.

2. Customer: Do you have this dress in a ++aller size?

Salesperson: Let me check in the back for you.

3. Customer: How much does this shirt cost?

Salesperson: It's on sale for $20.

4. Customer: Can I try on these shoes?

Salesperson: Of course, the fitting rooms are right over there.

5. Customer: Do you accept credit cards?

Salesperson: Yes, we accept all major credit cards.

6. Customer: Is there a discount for buying multiple items?

Salesperson: Yes, if you buy two or more, you get 10% off.



A: Hey, have you seen my钢笔 anywhere? I can't find it.

B: Hmm, I think I saw it on your desk yesterday. Did you check there?

A: Yes, I looked there but it's not there. I'm starting to get worried because it was a gift from my grandpa.

B: Don't worry, we'll find it. Do you remember the last time you used it?

A: I think I used it in the library yesterday afternoon. I was taking notes for my history class.

B: Okay, let's go check the library. Maybe someone turned it in to the lost and found.

A: That's a good idea. Thanks for helping me look for it.

B: No problem. Let's go.
