
dream有复数,复数形式:dreams 词汇解析: dream 英文发音:[driːm] 中文释义:n.梦;睡梦;梦想;理想;愿望;梦幻状态;恍惚;出神 例句: He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot 他最终实现了成为一名飞行员的梦想。 短语:


1、curious dream 奇怪的梦

2、daring dream 大胆的梦想

3、dazzling dream 令人迷惑的梦

4、dearest dream 最珍贵的梦

5、deep dream 深沉的梦

6、delicate dream 微妙的梦


worldly ideal

英[ˈwɜ:ldli: aiˈdiəl] 美[ˈwə:ldli aɪˈdiəl]


[例句]LI Qian's poems also mirror a part of his soul, namely, the struggles and vicissitudes as both a poet and a layman and in the worldly and ideal pursuits.



1. Life is but a dream. 人生如梦。

  2. Dreams are lies 梦不足信。

  3. Dreams go by contraries 梦想总与现实相反

  4. Dream different dreams while on the same bed. 同床异梦。

  5. The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be。夜长梦多。

  6.A realization of dream, is a successful person.一个实现梦想的人,就是一个成功的人。

  7.Dream no matter how vague, the total hidden in our hearts, our feelings never be quiet, until the dream become a reality.梦想无论怎样模糊,总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到这些梦想成为事实。

  8.Dream is the soul, is our secret truth ( Truman Capote )梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情(杜鲁门·卡波特)

到此,以上就是小编对于梦想 英语的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于梦想 英语的3点解答对大家有用。