
Everybodady have its own dream,dream is so important to our future. because of I like play games in my childhood,so I always earnest wish to make games when I group up.


Along with the age is rising ,in the senior middle school my favorite is to paly basketball,from now on I start to watch NBA,so my dram chang into be a basketball explain orally person and basketball repoter.

People is always changing,in my hurt dream is disapper.But have our own dreams may be change your future.





【My dream job:Lawyer】I have made up my mind to be a lawyer.There are two main reasons for my choosing this.First, I want to help the innocent people out of guilty. Since I have seen many innocent people being scapegoats of the true criminals in the films ,I decide to avoid this cases in the reality.Second, this is a well-paid and promising job. Although I have to confess that this job may be much more difficult to do it well, the handsome wage and excellent treatment give me the stimulus to pursue it.To realize my dream, I have to make full use of the leisure time to acquire the essential knowledge to become one of the best in this field.
