

The benefits of running

Exercise benefits exercise is good for us. It is natural that running is one of the best exercises for people's body and mind. Therefore, I go jogging in my free time, which is free.

I think running has many advantages. Running is the best way to strengthen the heart and ensure the effective flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body. In addition, running can not only improve our immune system, make our body function more effective against bacteria, but also increase bone density, thus preventing osteoporosis.

In addition, because every time I run, I can reduce the pressure after joining school, and I am in a good mood. There is no doubt that exercise is healthy. Physical exercise can relieve my stress, keep healthy and get along well with others.


the cities have been changing quickly these days. about ten years ago, city is a place where you can see trees and flowers everywhere. there were buses, bikes and cars running on roads, but you rarely saw the traffic jams. the sky was blue and the air was clear and fresh. in the countryside the environment was even better! however, with the fast developing industries and increasing population, more and more people have moved into cities which has brought too much wastes into the land, air and water. now, the clear blue sky is rarely seen, and the air is totally ruined. we call the misty and grey air "++og", which means it is composed of ++oke and fog. people aree still rushing into cities, but we could never go back to former days.
