
在一些短语和句子中,经常有省略某些单词的情况, 比如有时候可以省略to,有时候可以省略as,有时候省略that ,

一,并列复合句中某些相通成分的 省略

为什么有些句子中有的单词可以省略,英语语法 省略

二when ,while ,if ,as if,though as until 等连词连接的状语从句中常省略跟主句相同的主语 何be动词 .

三当见到when if wherever Whenever As fast as 等等 时可理解,中间省略了it is 或was 。

四,有形式主语it的主语从句,可省略that .




主语可以省略的情况有以下几点:(1)祈使句 比如 不要在英语课堂上讲话Don't speak in your English  class.  我请你原谅。Beg your pardon, please.(2)两个句子的主语为同一个人,第二个句子的主语可以省略,比如:  I searched the information from my ++artphone and( I ) wrote them down.(3)在谈话双方都知道的情况下,简短回答疑问句也可以不用主语,比如Are you OK? Yes .



3. I Will see you next week.

4. We all worked hard last year.

5. They are arriving this Friday afternoon.

Don’t look at me (in) that way.

I’ve learned a lot (in) that way.

3. spend time, have difficulty (trouble, a hard time)+in + doing

I spent the whole afternoon (in) practicing the song.

Mr.Yang has trouble (in) listening.

We used to have a hard time (in) living in the city .

be busy in doing sth. 

All students in our school are busy (in) preparing for the speech.

There is no use in doing sth.

There is no use (in) arguing with them.

 We’ll arrive (on) Saturday. 

 Let’s make it (on) June 21st. 

到此,以上就是小编对于英语语法 省略的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于英语语法 省略的4点解答对大家有用。