


1. 单词:weather(天气)、sunny(晴朗的)、cloudy(多云的)、rainy(有雨的)、windy(有风的)、snowy(有雪的)、umbrella(雨伞)、coat(外套)、boots(靴子)、gloves(手套)、scarf(围巾)等。

2. 句型:What's the weather like?(天气怎么样?)、It's sunny/cloudy/rainy/windy/snowy.(天气是晴朗的/多云的/有雨的/有风的/有雪的。)、Do you need an umbrella?(你需要一把雨伞吗?)、Yes, I do./No, I don't.(是的,我需要。/不,我不需要。)、I need a coat/boots/gloves/scarf.(我需要一件外套/一双靴子/一双手套/一条围巾。)等。

3. 语法:形容词比较级的构成和用法。如:sunny(晴朗的)- sunnier(更晴朗的);cloudy(多云的)- cloudier(更多云的);rainy(有雨的)- rainier(更有雨的);windy(有风的)- windier(更有风的);snowy(有雪的)- snowier(更有雪的)等。

4. 交际用语:询问天气、描述天气、询问需要什么衣物、回答需要什么衣物等。



My Hometown is Beautiful

My hometown is a ++all town located in the mountains. It is surrounded by beautiful scenery and natural landscapes that make it a great place to live. In my hometown, there are many traditional buildings with unique designs and styles, which show the rich history and culture of the region.

Moreover, the local people are friendly and hospitable. They warmly welcome visitors and are always willing to lend a hand. The local cuisine is also very tasty, with a range of delicious dishes made from fresh and organic ingredients.

In addition, my hometown is a peaceful place with a low crime rate. This ensures that residents can enjoy a safe and comfortable living environment. The air is clean and fresh, and it is a great place to go for a walk or to exercise outdoors.
