
The process of making a snowman can be described in English as follows:

1. Gather snow: First, gather a sufficient amount of snow in a suitable location. Look for snow that is relatively dry and free of ice chunks, as this will make it easier to shape the snowman.


2. Create a base: Roll a ++all snowball on the ground to create the base of the snowman. This ball should be relatively round and compact to provide stability for the snowman.

3. Build the middle layer: Roll a slightly larger snowball and place it on top of the base. This middle layer will serve as the body of the snowman. Make sure it is slightly larger than the base to create a gradual increase in size.


Do you know what a snowman is?Let us a make!  First,we a big ball of snow.Then we make another is ++aller than the first snowball.Now we make another very ++all snowball.We put it on top.Let us make a face on the snowman.Carrot is his nose.Some little rockets for his mouth and eyes.Two sticks for his arms.This hat are on the top for his hat.  Ok!The snowman is wonderful.


 Today,It is snowy.we make a snowman outside the house.We are happy.  First.We make a big baII of snow.Then we make another snowbaII.This one is ++aIIer than the first.We put this snowbaII on that snowbaII.We make another ++aII snowbaII,we put it on top.We make a face on the snowman.The carrot is his nose some LittIe rocks for his mouth and eyes.We have two sticks for his arms.  Snowman is wonderfuI!I Like snowman.
