
British history began in Germanic and Celtic, and later in England, Wales and Scotland. Its origin can be traced back to Roman rule.

Britain is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of Northern Ireland and the whole history of Britain is made up of the interweaving of the four regions.

Wales became part of the Kingdom of England in 1535. The defeat of the Spanish Invincible Fleet in 1588 by the Naval Battle of Gravoline frustrated the invasion of foreign Catholic forces.


basically eliminating the threat of Catholici++ and consolidating the achievements of religious reform.


With around 163 million inhabitants, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the sixth most populous country with the second largest Muslim population.


In order to distinguish them from the other two poets, Li Shangyin and Du Mu, namely "Xiao Li Du", Du Fu and Li Bai are also called "Da Li Du".

According to the New Tang Book, Li Bai was the ninth grandson of the Xingsheng Emperor and was the same ancestor as the kings of Li and Tang Dynasty.

His people are cheerful and generous, like drinking and writing poetry, like making friends.

Li Bai was deeply influenced by Huang Lao Lizhuang's thought. He had "Li Taibai Collection" handed down. Most of his poems were written when he was drunk.

His representative works included "Wanglu Mountain Waterfall", "Road Difficulty", "Shudao Difficulty", "Entering Wine", "Liang Fu Yin" and "Early Falling White Emperor City".
