
I respected Hanhong very much.She is a singer,she is sings well and she devotes herself in charity.She helps a lot of people.She is very kind.



I admire Wen Tianxiang, who is still determined to die in the face of the temptation of senior officials of the Yuan Dynasty, Yang Jingyu, who is still fighting against Japan despite running out of food and ammunition, and Xia Minghan, who is still willing to die in the face of fierce reactionaries They are all great heroes of the Chinese nation, and they are all worthy of our admiration. But the hero in my heart, as well as academician Zhong Nanshan who is fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention.

  Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old man, is also an academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, a famous respiratory expert, and a leading figure in the prevention and control of respiratory infectious diseases in China.
