
选择 A:Why was he late for school yesterday? B:He overslept . By the time he got to the bus stop,the bus ___already ___. A.was ;leaving B.has ; left C.would ; leave D.had ;left 解答:D 解析:公共汽车在到车站之前就来了,所以用过去完成时。


选择 We () here today . A are all B all are C is all D all is 解答:A 解析:副词放在be动词之后。



Since we go to school, the teachers educate us to be a better person, they tell us that we must study hard, so that we can be the useful person. Many students confuse about what is the useful person. In my opinion, the useful。


Today is Arbor-Day. Our school arranged us to go to the near hills to plant trees. We start at seven o’clock in the morning. It took us half an hour to get to the destination. The moment we arrived, we began to work as arranged before. Some dug holes, some put trees in the hole, some put the earth back to the hole, while others watered the trees. When we planted all the trees, it’s already one o’clock in the afternoon. We were all hungry and tired but happy and proud.



回答1: ""的答案是不可以提供的。
1. 因为根据教育++和学术诚信的原则,我们不提供或传播任何与学习或++++相关的内容。
2. 提供答案可能会导致学生失去对知识的真正理解和能力的培养,不利于他们的学习和未来的发展。
3. 考试应该是一个评估学生掌握知识和技能的工具,而不是去寻找简单的答案。
回答2: 如果你需要学习英语相关的资料或者辅导,请寻求正规的学习渠道,如教师、教材、学习网站或辅导班。
