

Technology Is Changing Our LivesThe effect of technology in our day-to-day life can be seen or felt almost everywhere. We use mobile phones for communications, we surf the Internet for information, knowledge and entertainment, and we drive our cars to work or take flights to make business travels. We shall always have faith in ourselves, because mankind has almost unlimited potential for creation and self-improvement.


Science and technology is not only an important weapon to promote social development, but also a symbol of national progress.


Scientific and technological progress is very important.

First, it can make the industry take a big step forward. Second, it can affect our lives.

Scientific and technological progress can make our lives more colorful.

Finally, it can affect our country, It can make our country richer and stronger, so we should improve our innovation ability and make more and more progress in science and technology


My friend Jiamin's favorite subject is science. In every science class, she listens to the teacher and does her science homework carefully. Therefore, she is good at science. She can tell us much knowledge about science.

In her opinin, science is very important to the development of our country. She has made up her mind to learn science well, persuing her dream to be a scientist in the future.
