
和朋友合作Cooperation with friends 双语例句1热忱欢迎国内外企业和朋友惠顾合作。Welcome domestic and international enterprise and friend to patronize cooperation heartily.



Today, we're going to talk about the teamwork.Please share your ideas with team members.

A.Actually, many teamwork during a class.

B.Yes, i'm, I think it's also good If someone can help you when you are in trouble.

C. I agree with you. it makes us understand more on how to respect each other. but sometimes it's also awkward.

D. especially when you have different opinions .

A. i get you. that's why we always have a team leader


All things of the world are closely linked,so no matter in life,study or work,we all need cooperation.

The face is to construct the harmonious society in our country,more need to cooperate,but we need to improve the spirit of cooperation,mutual cooperation between the country and the people,to create a harmonious and beautiful world.Know how to cooperate,learn how to cooperate,we also a shortcut to success,cooperation,we will be more successful.
