
Making friends is a process in which people get to know others in order to get rid of their single life.

The types of friends can be girlfriends or boyfriends, or ordinary friends.


It mainly includes one party's trust in the other party, giving the trust to the other party, allowing the other party to interact with himself, and making friends interactively.




## English Phrases for Making Friends in CollegeMaking friends in college can be a daunting task.

 To help you get started, here are some English phrases you can use to break the ice and get the conversation rolling.

- "Hi, I'm [Your Name]. It's nice to meet you!"- "What do you like to do for fun?"

- "What classes are you taking this semester?"

- "Do you live on or off campus?"

- "What clubs are you involved in?"- "Do you have any hobbies?"

- "Would you like to grab coffee sometime?"

- "Would you like to hang out and watch a movie?"
