

Part 1: 语法填空

A young man was getting ready to 1. (enroll) in college. For many months he had 2. (save) every penny he could for his tuition, books and living expenses. Finally,he 3. (register) with a college near his home. Unfortunately, he found that the cost to 4. (attend) this particular college was much more than he expected. So he 5. (decide) to enroll in another school instead. The following day he 6. (find) a purse stuffed with money on the campus and he gave it to the campus security. Later,a woman came to the campus security to claim the purse. She described the purse, the amount of money in it, and a few other identifying details. But the young man was able to 7. (prove) that the purse was indeed hers by describing the tie on the purse, which he had not mentioned in his description of what he 8. (find). Impressed, she 9. (offer) him a reward for his honesty and returned the kindness with a thank-you note.




1. 搜索引擎:使用英文搜索引擎,搜索关键词,例如“海外问卷”、“国际调查”等,可以找到一些问卷调查网站和论坛。

2. 问卷网站:有一些专门的问卷网站,例如Savvy Surveys、Zoom International等,这些网站提供各种海外问卷调查,你可以注册成为会员并参与。

3. 社交媒体:在社交媒体上搜索相关的问卷调查,例如在Facebook上搜索“海外问卷调查”等关键词,可以找到一些问卷调查的帖子。

4. 论坛和社区:在一些论坛和社区中,例如Professorcm、Pointmeaway等,你可以找到一些问卷调查的任务,但是需要注意论坛和社区中的信息是否可靠。

