交友与追星英语作文,追星 英语作文


Making friends is very important. But children like to chase stars. We should keep in mind that stars are just normal people. They make up so they look like women.


blackPink Ink Korea Entertainment Co. Ltd.A girl group from the Korean entertainment company YG.Their style of music tends to be European and American.They are a group of four women.One of the members is Thai.


This is Wang Junkai, his singing is very good, is a musician, is a middle school student, learning is great, was the idol of many people.He is very handsome, has a black head of hair, and a pair of charming eyes.Wang Junkai band at a TF Boys,There are a lot of my records.嗯 擦不多了吧。


"The most romantic thing I've ever seen is that seven boys with newly rising passion write popcorn to their girls."“我见过最浪漫的事就是七个情窦初升的男孩子给他们的女孩写《爆米花》”

There are countless flowers and applause in the future, so Time Youth League has been going on!未来还有数不清的鲜花和掌声,所以时代少年团一直走下去吧!

TNT is my belated redemption.“TNT是我迟来的救赎”

Preference and exception are TNT."偏爱与例外都是TNT."

Song Yaxuan is my belated salvation.宋亚轩是我迟来的救赎



在出道后推出了作为组合出道的歌曲《Good Night》还获得了年度的金曲奖,非常出色的一位歌手了,不但是长相非常的帅气,并且身材条件也是非常的好,但是最近在一个舞台旁边的时候,无意间被网友拍到了这么的一幕,就是小鬼王琳凯“追星成功”后的样子。


到此,以上就是小编对于追星 英语作文的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于追星 英语作文的5点解答对大家有用。