




The most distant way in the world

The most distant way in the world

is not the way from birth to the end.

it is when i sit near you

that you don't understand i love u.

The most distant way in the world

is not that you're not sure i love u.

It is when my love is bewildering the soul

but i can't speak it out.

The most distant way in the world

is not that i can't say i love u.

it is after looking into my heart

i can't change my love.

The most distant way in the world

is not that i'm loving u.

it is in our love

we are keeping between the distance


英活课程的指的就是英语活动课。 英语活动课的主要内容: 唱英语歌、英文诗朗诵、讲英语故事(接龙,一个人说一两句)、猜英文谜语、英语演讲、演课本剧、联欢会、英文辩论赛。
