


英语作文都不会脱离课本。看下本学期每个单元都学了什么。就能猜测可能考的作文了。比如讲了there be 句型就有可能考描述一下你的房间里都有什么。如果学了描述人的长相的。就可能考介绍一下你的一个朋友。因为各地区教材不一样。就没法推测考啥了。但小学英语基本都是学那几样。


Eating OutLast night we went to eat in a little restaurant near our school. It was not a good time for us to get there as we could find a seat. So we had to wait for about half an hour in front of a table which was in use by four customers.When we sat down and started to order from the menu, we were told that three dishes we ordered were not available as the materials for these dishes were all used up. What a disappointment! We had no choice but to order a meat dish of spare-ribs and a vegetable dish of greens together with a bowl of rice for each of us. We were still hungry after the meal so we had to have some instant noodles after we returned to our dorm.
